water puddle showing LGBT colors

Substance Use Disorder in the LGBT Community

Characterized by bright colors and jubilant parades, Pride Month is often viewed as a period of celebration for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. Pride Month, however, is not one giant party; it is a time to remember the discrimination and persecution LGBT people have endured, as well as a time to reflect…

friends at a table toasting with beer

America’s Love Affair With Alcohol

Earlier this month, the Washington Post reported that 1 out of every 12 American adults has an alcohol use disorder – that’s 17.6 million people. I don’t know about anyone else but – as unfathomable as that number seems – I can’t help but wonder if it’s a little low. Maybe it’s from my experience…

quiet sign with index on lips

The Anonymity Debate

For recovery advocates who attend twelve step programs in New Hampshire, one of the biggest challenges is talking openly about addiction recovery while also respecting the tradition of anonymity. After all, these programs have anonymous in their names for a reason. Most people know about the twelve steps, but there are also twelve traditions –…

student wearing a backpack with facts matter pin

Are the Narcan Memes Lying to You?

Whether you are in recovery from addiction in New Hampshire or somewhere else, you’ve seen the meme. “If Narcan is free for drug addicts, why isn’t chemotherapy free for cancer patients?” Wrapped up in this seemingly harmless little question is a Pandora’s Box of stigma, bias, and ignorance, jeopardizing any attempt by recovery advocates to…

man pointing to the camera in blue shirt

The Stigma of Addiction

Stigma is an ugly word. Sure, it’s like any other word in the English language – devoid of emotional meaning unless you have experienced it firsthand – but its ugliness isn’t limited to experience. Stigma denotes human judgment and suffering. Merriam Webster defines stigma as “a mark of shame or discredit : STAIN”. To be stigmatized, therefore,…

green kratom powder in cup with spoon

What is Kratom?

Some people survey the modern day addiction landscape – particularly government and law enforcement officials – and refer to the ongoing struggle with substance use as “the war on drugs”. Still others refer to it as the “opioid epidemic”. Regardless of how you label it – or the accuracy of your label – it’s hard…