One of the hidden epidemics in American life right now is the ongoing opioid and prescription drug addiction crisis. A total of 47,000 Americans have already lost their lives to opioid addiction, as these highly addictive drugs continue to ravage communities across the country.
In order to fight the opioid crisis, innovative forms of treatment have come to the fore. One of the most celebrated of these is Medication-Assisted Treatment, also known as MAT.
MAT is a form of treatment that uses medically-approved drugs to reduce cravings and withdrawal, easing the transition towards recovery and a life free from addiction. If you are searching for addiction recovery near me, here is why you should consider medication-assisted treatment today.
1. Medication-Assisted Treatment Combats the Physical Aspects of Addiction
Medicated assisted treatment moves beyond the mere psychological effects of addiction. When dealing with addictions such as opioids and fentanyl, willpower alone is not enough to win. These are drugs that induce powerful physical cravings, severe dependency, and dangerous withdrawal symptoms.
With MAT, you can overcome these symptoms and dependencies with safe medication. Many of the symptoms of opioid addiction are physical and these require serious, drug-assisted treatment to overcome.
2. Medication-Assisted Treatment Uses FDA Approved Drugs
If you are seeking medication for addiction, it is worth noting that all of the drugs used in MAT are approved by the FDA and are safe for use. They do not prolong addiction and can be effectively used to treat addictions. The most common drugs used in MAT include methadone, which is used to block opioid receptors to reduce cravings.
Other drugs include Naltrexone, Naloxone, and Buprenorphine. All of these are safely administered by qualified health professionals and are accessible throughout a MAT treatment course.
3. Medication-Assisted Treatment Has Been Tried-and-Tested Around the World
It is also worth noting that medication-assisted treatment is not unique to the US. Rather, it has been used for decades to treat addiction around the world. Methadone, for example, has been freely and regularly given to heroin addicts in the UK, Portugal, Finland, Spain, and elsewhere for several decades.
All of these countries have reported significantly lower instances of addiction as a result. The effectiveness of MAT has been conclusively decided by scientists around the world. This is why it is worth considering.
4. Dispelling the Myths Are Medication-Assisted Treatment
Despite the established effectiveness of MAT to treat a variety of substance abuse problems, some harmful myths still prevail. One of these is that MAT is simply switching one addictive drug for another without addressing the root cause of addiction. This is categorically untrue. Drugs used in MAT are nowhere near as addictive as drugs such as fentanyl or Oxycontin.
They are designed to wean people off of addiction. MAT drugs are used to treat disease in the same way that a drug such as insulin is used to treat diabetes. Dispelling myths such as these is crucial.
Addiction Recovery in New England for You
If you are considering Medication-Assisted treatment in New England, we are here to help. At The Process Recovery Centre, we offer extensive and innovative MAT programs that will help you move past your addiction safely. To find out more about the treatment options available to you, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team of qualified health professionals today.