7 Tips for Early Recovery

You’ve just done something very difficult. You’ve confronted your addiction and entered the long process of recovery. Now you’re returning to a life both familiar and strange as you practice new skills and new coping mechanisms. Sobriety offers a richer, fuller life, but it may not always feel that way at first. Here are seven…


Is a DUI a Sign of a Larger Problem?

In recent years, studies showed that over 14 million people suffer from alcoholism. One of the worst ways to find out you have an alcohol problem is through a DUI stop. Getting a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) arrest can make it difficult for you to get your life in order because of the ramifications…

mom and daughter crying on the couch

Intervention: When and How It Helps

Whether or not you know someone who is struggling with drug addiction, alcoholism, or substance use disorder, chances are you’ve heard of intervention. “Intervention” is a broad term that means different things to different people. Broadly speaking, an intervention is a pre-planned attempt by one or more people to encourage an addict or alcoholic to…