Round yellow pills

Signs and Symptoms of Opioid Addiction

At the Process Recovery Center, we are passionate about numerous matters relating to addiction treatment, but providing education and supporting families fall at the very top of our list. Education and family support go hand-in-hand. In order to help a loved one who may be struggling with opioid dependence, you must be aware of the…

person reaching out their hand in ocean

How to Get Sober

“How to get sober?” In the addiction treatment world, it’s one of the most frequently asked questions, but it’s also one that doesn’t have a cut and dry answer. In fact, if you walk into your local book store, you’ll likely find innumerable titles dedicated to recovery and sobriety. The truth is that there are…

man jumping into the ocean with group of friends

6 Ways to Celebrate Summer in Sobriety

A Comprehensive Guide to Summer Sobriety Summertime, and the livin’ is easy… But is it? If you read into this classic song a little further, Ella Fitzgerald’s sultry crooning contains an undercurrent of melancholia. Summer isn’t always a happy-go-lucky time – at least not one that warms all people equally – and this is certainly…

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Recharge Your Recovery: 10 Ways to Disconnect from Tech

When entering certain addiction treatment facilities, new clients may be dismayed to surrender their cellphone as part of their program regimen. Removing access to mobile devices for thirty to ninety days is a fairly common treatment procedure. Advocates of this practice argue that cellphones are a detrimental distraction from recovery, while opponents propose that too…