7 Tips for Early Recovery

You’ve just done something very difficult. You’ve confronted your addiction and entered the long process of recovery. Now you’re returning to a life both familiar and strange as you practice new skills and new coping mechanisms. Sobriety offers a richer, fuller life, but it may not always feel that way at first. Here are seven…


Is a DUI a Sign of a Larger Problem?

In recent years, studies showed that over 14 million people suffer from alcoholism. One of the worst ways to find out you have an alcohol problem is through a DUI stop. Getting a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) arrest can make it difficult for you to get your life in order because of the ramifications…

mom and daughter crying on the couch

Intervention: When and How It Helps

Whether or not you know someone who is struggling with drug addiction, alcoholism, or substance use disorder, chances are you’ve heard of intervention. “Intervention” is a broad term that means different things to different people. Broadly speaking, an intervention is a pre-planned attempt by one or more people to encourage an addict or alcoholic to…

Working In Addiction Treatment

The Importance of Aftercare to Relapse Prevention

Thanks to advances in medicine, science, and our collective understanding of addiction and alcoholism, individuals caught up in substance and alcohol use now have greater hope to overcome their addiction. Resources like detox, rehab and other therapies are readily available to people looking to stop or moderate their substance use. Recovery from drug addiction and…

friends at a table toasting with beer

What is Alcohol Detox?

Alcohol detoxification (or “detox”) is a safe and clinically-managed method of treatment used to help heavy drinkers and alcoholics safely stop drinking. It is achieved by slowly weaning the individual off alcohol or, more commonly, with the assistance of prescription drugs such as benzodiazepines. If you or someone you know is engaged in regular heavy…

empty orange prescription bottles

Signs and Symptoms of Opioid Overdose

Opiates and opioids are drugs and medications used, primarily, in the treatment of pain. There are many types of opiates and opioids, from pharmaceuticals to recreational drugs. They include oxycodone, morphine, fentanyl, heroin, and others.  All individuals taking opiates or opioids, both prescription and nonprescription, are at risk for overdose and for becoming addicted. This…